Archery Ontario is pleased to announce the renewal of the Ontario Athlete Assistance Program funding for the 2024 Outdoor Season.

The Ontario Athlete Assistance Program (OAAP-Q4G) provides support to Ontario’s amateur high-performance athletes. There are two distinct streams of funding: direct funding for athletes (i.e., ‘Carding’ an Ontario Athlete) and funding programs (i.e., training camps, recruitment activities and/or events) that develop athletes.  For the April 1st, 2024, to March 31st, 2025, funding cycle, Archery Ontario will be delivering on both streams of funding. 

Specific objectives of the program:

  • To help athletes continue their pursuit of athletic excellence at the highest levels of national and international competition; 
  • To encourage athletes to stay in Ontario to live and train; 
  • To compensate athletes for earnings lost while training; 
  • To enable athletes to successfully pursue excellence in sport while fulfilling their educational goals; 
  • To increase athlete access to improved high-performance coaching; and 
  • To enhance training and competitive opportunities available to athletes. 


The intent of the OAAP is to provide funding to individual athletes in the sport’s Train to Train through Train to Win categories based on their demonstrated commitment to high performance sport, allowing them to continue to pursue athletic excellence at the highest levels of national and international competition. Only those athletes that meet the required criteria detailed in the Selection Criteria (more information below) have been considered for this upcoming season.

Ideally an athlete will first receive an “Ontario Card” for 1 to 3 years, which will allow them to train towards the goal of a national team position in subsequent years.  ONLY Athletes planning to train towards this level of competition should participate in this program.  Once an Ontario athlete reaches the national level and becomes a recipient of Sport Canada’s carding program and receives a “Canada Card”, they are no longer eligible for this program.

Selection Criteria for 2024 Outdoor Season

Emerging from COVID, Archery Ontario is looking to recruit archers in various age groups and offer opportunities to develop and train the next generation of athletes.  Therefore, AO wishes to shine the light on 3 important areas for consideration with respect to the OAAP (formerly Q4G).  *Of note for this year – Since the OAAP may extend over/up to 3 years for athletes, we are looking to provide ongoing support to athletes already participating in the program, by providing Year 2 funding functioning at a high level, who are working at a highly competitive level with ongoing efforts toward obtaining a Canada Card and competing at the high-performance level.

  1. Age Groups
    Archery Ontario, is looking for athletes in age ranges from 15 to 21 thereby following same/similar practises as other PSOs, such as Badminton, Cycling, Soccer, etc.  ALL age groups include AWA/PARA Athletes.  For example…
    • Group 1 (U15-U18)
    • Group 2 (U19-U21)
    • Group 3 (21+/Senior) 
  2. Distribution
    In the years following Covid, Archery Ontario is a deficit position and needing to rebuild by recruiting next generation athletes.  Therefore, the carding process has being re-adjusted by seeking the following…
    • Balance of Male and Female
    • Balance of Recurve and Compound – *Barebow is a new consideration for this year and years ahead.
    • Mix of ABA and AWAD/PARA Athletes
    • Revised Distribution of cards, with a focus on Next Generation Archers (Yr1-Yr2-Yr3)
  3. Qualifying Events
    All archers/athletes considered for a Full Card competed in 3 important events (i.e. ideally 2 Ontario events and 1 National level event including, but not limited to the Ontario Junior Challenge, the Ontario Target Championships, and the Canadian National Target Championships. In some instances, recurve archers attended the Canada Cup East, or the Canada Cup West, or the World Youth Championships, following the advice of their coaches (who applied for a substitution) and so, their scores from the CCE/CCW/WJC were considered for carding, in lieu of the Ontario Target Championships.  Ideally, Archers/Athletes needed to be within 100 points of top scores/based on Ontario records, in their age group. All archers/athletes considered for a Partial Card competed in 2 important Ontario events (i.e. ideally 2 Ontario events and/or 1 Ontario event + 1 National level event (amongst those listed prior in this paragraph for Full Card consideration).  Applicants must successfully compete in Ontario Tournaments to apply for Ontario carding.

A Total of 8 cards are available (*due to Partial Carding, 9 cards were made available this year).  Looking for a more balanced distribution and onboarding athletes into the program, who show great promise.  Whereas Para Athletes are unavailable, or if an athlete declines, the card is reassigned to the next available candidate and/or reinvested in the program portion of the funding.  The decisions made are final and the sole discretion of The Selection Committee.  Members included Renee Brouillette, Jess Watson, Kevin Stroud, and Larry Reid-all active board members of Archery Ontario.

Athlete Selection – Documents

Archery Ontario would like to thank ALL the athletes who have participated in the OAAP – Q4G Program.  Many athletes have benefitted from the program over time and there is great pride for athletes, coaches, judges, families, communities, and organizations to represent Ontario and/or Canada and/or both in competition whether at home or abroad.

Good wishes are extended to the athletes in the upcoming Outdoor Season! Best regards, 
The Selection Committee, The Board of Directors for Archery Ontario

*Carding and Programs for Athletes were made possible by funding from Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, Ontario
Questions should be directed to AO Administration via email who will share with The Selection Committee.